Polgármesteri dicséretben részesült Lakatosné Antoni Veronika Józsefvárosi Gyermekekért díjat vett át Kissné Adamik Tímea Szolgálati emlékérmet kapott Csobán…
Success! In the category of 5 th -6 th graders our students came first at the National First-Aid Competition. The…
The 25 th National Youth Press Festival of DUE Media and National School Radio Network was organised on May 11…
Some of the 8 th graders could see the dance performance of Total Dance Company at Erkel Theatre on May…
The classes of 8B and 8C have been to Bethlen Téri Színház. On May 7 Mary and Max was put…
Dear Parents, The representatives of the different churches concerned will give information on Religious Education as required by EMMI order…
All the teachers and students of Ferenc Molnár Hungarian – English Biolingual Primary School were looking forward to this year’s…