Kedves Szülők! Köszönjük az adományokat a rászorulók részére! A gyerekekkel együtt juttattuk el az élelmiszereket, játékokat, könyveket a Mikulásgyárba. Olyan…
Luca napi vásárt tartottunk az alsó tagozaton. A kicsik nagy élvezettel rakták ki portékáikat. Nagy volt az érdeklődés, sokan vásároltak.…
We had a sensational atmosphere during the Santa’s visit. Everyone was very excited. He was here all day and went…
With the mentality of the Red Cross Base-school, we would like our students to realize that giving is a good…
Two of our classes, 6.A and 6.C have visited the Mobility Enhancer School. They attended several lessons and learned how…
We had a career orientation day at our school for both lower and higher grade classes. Many parents came to…
This year, the annual country knowledge competition was hosted by Vajda Péter Primary School. Our school was represented by four…