Two of our classes, 6.A and 6.C have visited the Mobility Enhancer School. They attended several lessons and learned how…
We had a career orientation day at our school for both lower and higher grade classes. Many parents came to…
This year, the annual country knowledge competition was hosted by Vajda Péter Primary School. Our school was represented by four…
Ma elvittük az ajándékokat a Civilek a Palotanegyedért Egyesület gyűjtőpontjára. A szép könyvek, játékok pénteken jutnak el ünnepség keretében nagycsaládos…
On November 24, the Józsefváros Drug Prevention Forum held an open day in the Glove Factory. Two classes visited the…
The team Molnár has closed out the “Józsefváros 240” quiz cup with a sweeping victory! The event was hosted by…
Négy tanulónk vett részt a kerületi Kazinczy versenyen. I. helyezett lett Sloan Amélia (6.a) és IV. helyezést ért el Maák…